A specialist senior recruiter will facilitate a recruitment project briefing meeting to capture the information on the position and company to ensure we deliver accurately – this is a thorough and robust process. We will create a compelling digital opportunity overview including a detailed company summary, opportunity pitch and messaging aimed at securing high calibre talent.
Your specialist recruiter will brief our team, and our talent specialist, so that we can conduct extensive research. We will review 1000+ candidate profiles within our networks and beyond. We utilise advanced technology and don’t just rely on the usual sources such as LinkedIn and Seek. We will also utilise effective advertising across multiple platforms to attract best-fit talent.
We will select 50-100 ideally suited candidates, with a high-profile match, to reach out to and discuss the opportunity with. We approach our talent pool with our highly specific and detailed digital opportunity overviews in order to cut through, and beyond, the usual approaches passive candidates tend to receive.
We fully qualify the top demographic of candidates - ensuring key criteria is addressed; talent has relevant expertise, qualifications and knowledge. We also ensure the appropriate personality and team fit along with appropriate interest levels in the role.
A shortlist of 4+ candidates will be presented via conference call. During that call, we will consult with you about their expertise and relevance, explaining why we believe they will be a good fit for the opportunity. We will then provide supporting documentation ensuring a more efficient client-side interview process.
We will coordinate the interview process, conduct reference checks and finalise offers of employment as directed. We also have robust conversations with our candidates about counter-offer at every step of the process to try to mitigate this scenario. Follow up will happen at set intervals prior to and once the candidate has commenced with the business.